P.S. 315K
The School of Performing Arts
"It's Cool To Be Smart & It's Cool To Care"
Afterschool Programs at P.S 315:
Flatbush Development Corporation (FDC)
Flatbush Development Corporation Afterschool Program better known as FDC Afterschool at P.S. 152 and P.S. 315 is a school year afterschool program that provides free service to children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. FDC operates Monday- Friday from school’s dismissal time until 5:15pm. During after-school hours participants are given homework assistance, STEM activities, art activities, and physical activities; all participants are also given the opportunity to have a hot school meal before activities.
FDC also offers “Holiday Camp” a full day service (8AM- 5:15PM) for 13 holidays in which public schools are closed. During the summer time FDC offers a free 7 week summer camp.
Please contact Alicia Knight for more information: AKNIGHT@FDConline.org
The Leadership Program (TLP or 21st Century)
P.S. 315 School of the Performing Arts was awarded the 21st Century Grant in the summer of 2017. This grant is able to bring in resources and services such as academic and enrichment-based after-school programming, professional development for school staff, and parent engagement and literacy workshops. All of these services are provided by/in partnership with The Leadership Program which serves as P.S. 315’s lead Community Based Organization. The Leadership Program (or TLP) partners with the Office of Community Schools (department of the DOE) to bring other everyday needs such as vision screenings, free glasses, dental visits, and mental health services into the school building. All programs and services are managed by our Community School Director. They work side by side with Principal Ranft and other administrations to make P.S. 315 School of the Performing Arts the go-to elementary school for high academic standards and high appreciation and understanding of creative artistic expression.
Please email Robb Davis for information: RDAVIS.TLP@GMAIL.COM
Harmony Program
Harmony Program offers beginning musical instruction for students looking to broaden their skills and realize their full potential.
For more information, please email Brian: brian@harmonyprogram.org